Enhancing Efficiency and Reliability: Energy Storage Technology (EST)

Cost-effective solutions for storing electrical energy is good for everyone. Electric energy storage can be used to accumulate excess electricity generated at off-peak hours and discharge it at peak hours. This can reduce the need for peak generation (particularly from expensive peaking plants) and reduce the strain on transmission and distribution networks. EST can also provide critically important ancillary services such as grid frequency regulation, voltage support and operating reserves; increasing grid stability and reliability.

GVIRL Integrated Engineering Services for EST

Advancements in Energy Storage Technologies are a crucial pathway in the development of fuel cell, hybrid electric and electric vehicles (FCVs, HEVs, and EVs) designed to increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.

GVIRL provides unmatched expertise in supporting engineering development, compliance, environmental and electromagnetic testing, performance, reliability and custom design tests to help you effectively deploy and manage your Energy Storage.

Our expertise in developing test monitoring equipment and designing software tools can help you monitor and manage your Energy Storage Technology throughout its life cycle. Services include:

  • Electric Vehicle Battery, Systems and Component Testing
  • Battery Safety Testing
  • Battery Performance Testing
  • Battery Fire and Abuse Testing
  • Battery Consulting and Advisory Services
  • EMC Testing
  • Fuel Cell Testing and Advisory Services
  • UN Transportation Testing (UN/DOT 38.3) for Lithium Batteries
  • Battery efficiency Analysis

Support for All Your Energy Storage Technologies and Products

Trust our skilled engineers to fully support your product design, compliance and reliability testing. GVIRL supports a variety of existing and emerging Storage Technologies and products; providing services such as:

  • Lead-Acid Batteries
  • NaS Batteries
  • Li-Ion Batteries
  • Flow Batteries
  • Pumped-Hydro Systems
  • CAES Systems
  • Flywheel Systems
  • Ultracapacitors
  • SMES
  • Future Technological Trends
    • Nanotechnology
    • Breathing Batteries
    • Hydrogen Storage
    • Pumped-heat Storage
    • Battery Improvements
    • The EEStor Revolution

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