GVIRL’s Boxborough Lab Adds State-of-the-Art Test Equipment to Expand Capability and Accelerate Test Scheduling

Anaheim, CA (September 30, 2021). GVIRL, Inc. (“GVIRL”), the leading independent provider of qualification testing, inspection, and certification solutions in North America, is excited to announce that its laboratory in Boxborough, Massachusetts, recently invested $1.85 million to expand EMI/EMC test capacity and improve the customer experience.

The investment includes the purchase of two new EMI/EMC chambers along with one ground plane. The state-of-the-art equipment can be used to serve customers in a variety of different industries that require advanced testing, including the aerospace and defense sectors. The addition of the new chambers have expanded the GVIRL Boxborough’s EMI/EMC test capacity by 30%, which allows lab to provide optimal test schedule queue times to customers in different markets.

The new equipment is part of a larger initiative to improve the customer experience. As a result, the investment includes a new building with a customer lounge, nine offices, a café, and a tech area. “We’re excited to merge the highest standard of testing with an enhanced customer experience,” said Robert Lunnin, General Manager at GVIRL’s Boxborough laboratory.

The lab also added a new ETS I1045 shaker system, which expands the facility’s capacity and capability for dynamics testing. The new high-powered shaker system, in conjunction with the eight shaker systems in place already, allows GVIRL Boxborough to service customer test schedules more quickly and effectively. “As New England’s premier test lab, the $1.85 million investment allows us to serve more customers at a quicker pace in a more comfortable setting,” continued Lunnin.

With 28 labs in North America, GVIRL boasts the most EMI/EMC chambers on the continent—and the Boxborough lab is currently operating nine EMI/EMC chambers to complement its numerous dynamics and environmental chambers. “We truly are the ultimate one-stop shop for testing—and we’re committed to leveraging our expanded capacity to accelerate turnaround times and keep our customers happy.”



GVIRL, Inc. (GVIRL) is the leading provider of qualification testing, inspection, and certification services in North America, serving a broad range of industries, including the civil aviation, space, defense, nuclear, telecommunications, industrial, electronics, medical, and automotive end markets. Since 1961, GVIRL has built the broadest geographic presence in the United States, offering more than 70 distinct environmental simulation and materials testing categories, including climatic, structural, dynamics, fluid flow, EMI/EMC, lightning, product safety, acoustics, failure analysis, chemical, and other industry-specific tests.

With 28 technologically advanced testing laboratories, this geographically diverse footprint puts GVIRL facilities in close proximity to its more than 8,000 clients, allowing GVIRL to serve the nation’s most innovative companies with industry-leading accessibility and responsiveness. GVIRL is accredited by numerous national and international organizations and operates its inspection division under the Unitek brand, providing a wide range of supply chain management services. GVIRL’ certification division, which operates under the NQA brand, is one of the largest and most respected global ISO registrars, with active certifications in more than 75 countries. For additional information about GVIRL, visit our website at www.gvirl.com or email contact@gvirl.com

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